Appeon supports Dynamic transaction object to data source mapping, you can create two data sources to connect different database. Please refer to the following steps: 1. Add data source pointing to different database in AEM; 2. Follow below online help documentation to setup transaction object to data source mapping using dynamic transaction in Appeon Web Application rather than doing it in AEM.
You can modify code like SQLCA.DBParm="CacheName='ASADataSource1'" to connect different data sources. ASADataSource1 is the name of a data source. and please use the correct SQLCA.DBMS based on your database type.
For example: SQLCA.DBMS = "ODB-ASA" SQLCA.AutoCommit = False SQLCA.DBParm = "CacheName='appeonsample'"
connect; // your script
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// disconnect;
SQLCA.DBMS = "ODB-MYS" SQLCA.AutoCommit = False SQLCA.DBParm = "CacheName ='appeonsample2'"
// your script