Appeon Mobile - SaveAS function
Posted by Carmina Garcia on 29 May 2013 04:12 PM
Appeon Mobile supports SaveAs function but there are still limitations that stated as below (you can find this information in the Appeon Help | Features Help for Appeon Mobile | DataWindow | DataWindow control | Functions page):

1. The saveastype argument can be TEXT, HTMLTable, PDF*, or EXCEL. For the EXCEL format, only up to 256 characters are supported and anything larger will be automatically truncated. 
2. The supported SaveAs syntax : 
ll_testvalue = dw_test.SaveAs(filename, saveastype, colheading, encoding)
The unsupported SaveAs syntax: 
dw_test.SaveAs([filename, ]graphcontrol[, saveastype, colheading])
SaveAs PDF cannot support the colheading arguments, for example, the following syntax is unsupported:
Integer dwcontrol.SaveAs({string filename, saveastype saveastype, boolean colheading{, encoding encoding}}) 

3. If the DataWindow without any data is saved as an HTML file, the header will not be saved in Appeon Mobile, whereas it will be saved on PB.
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