Appeon Web - Uploads file to the FileServer.
Posted by z inactif_04 inactif_04 on 24 January 2013 12:02 PM

The destination directory should be a relative path to the upload file directory on the file server. ( for ex: the '\\webdev-02\inetpub\PHDOC' is a abolute path).

The upload file directory on the file server is the value of file-path in %FileService_HOME%\appeonfileserver.xml (for example: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\fileservice\appeonfileserver.xml), the content of the xml file is like below(the upload file directory on the file server is 'C:\appeon' in this file):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- The value of attribute "value" must begin with either a single or double quote character. -->
<file-path value="C:\appeon" />
<log-level value="3" /><!--0 Error,1 Info,2 Func, 3 Debug-->
<session-timeout value="3600" /><!-- the unit is second -->
<allowed-file-types value="*" ignorecase="true" />
<max-file-size value="20" /><!-- the unit is M -->
<user name="userA" password="userA" />
<user name="userB" password="userB" />
<user name="mstar" password="master" />

Please refer to Appeon Help | Appeon Workarounds Guide | Appeon Workarounds PBL Reference | File Upload and Download Chapter for details.

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