Appeon Mobile - Can I deploy existing PB apps to mobile (Like Appeon Web)?
Posted by z inactif_04 inactif_04 on 31 May 2012 05:07 PM

Yes you can deploy existing PB apps to Mobile but please take into account the following information:

Besides modifying the unsupported features, we also recommend adjusting the PB app UI, navigation and possibly the functionality to best suit tablets and smartphones. 
At a minimum, we suggest adjusting the window size, control size, row height, font size, etc. so they are easy to operate on the targeted device.
Appeon Mobile provides an emulator to simulate your app on a given Mobile OS and identify necessary modifications to fit the device's UI.
Appeon Mobile 2.5 will also provide templates in the form of a PB Framework that will jumpstart new apps targeting a given Mobile device.

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