Appeon Mobile - Emulators and Debuggers
Posted by z inactif_04 inactif_04 on 29 May 2012 05:13 PM

Appeon Mobile provides OS Emulators, which run on Windows and can be launched from PB.
In the case of Android in particular, lots of different devices exist and we cannot provide a specific emulator for each device, so we will provide a generic Android Emulator.

Appeon Mobile debugger will be available with Appeon 2.x (subject to change)
The Mobile Debugger will work inside the Mobile Emulator (not on the actual mobile device).

Appeon Debugger

Appeon debugger helps engineer to test and debug their mobile application.  It works very similar to PowerBuilder Debugger, which allows PB engineer to set breakpoints and watch variables for their mobile application. 

Appeon Emulator

Appeon Emulator is a virtual mobile devices that runs on the Windows systems. The emulator give the PB engineer flexibility to develop and test their mobile applications without deploying to the app store/market, and using a physical iOS, android, and windows smart phones and tablets.

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